Health Expert recommends Natural Spring Water with Minerals

Hello and best wishes Chris and the Jackson Springs Family; con­gratulations on receiving your award for the best tasting water in the world. It is always very gratifying to know that what a person chooses to put inside their body is considered by world experts to be the Best in the world. Thank you for providing us with such an excellent product.

I thank you for giving me a tour of your facility a few years ago when I was looking for the best water available in Winnipeg for me, my family and my clients. I was thoroughly impressed with your attention to every detail right from your source in Middlebro to your quality assurance procedures, maintenance, cleanliness and your expertise.

The fact that your water contains a recommended minerals profile with no fluoride or sodium, is free of contaminants,  is always an alkaline pH of 8.1 and consistently tastes wonderful is extremely important when choosing water to enjoy on a regular daily basis.

The decision to use and recommend Jackson Springs Water was simply put: a “no-brainer”.

Many of my clients and family now enjoy Jackson Springs water not just because it tastes great, but because it has helped them feel better in many ways especially for assisting their bodies with a variety of aches pains and digestive complaints.

We all need to enjoy an adequate supply of pure water on a regular daily basis for hydration to allow every single cell, tissue, organ and system to function at optimal levels, and for internal body cleansing and detoxification. Pure, natural spring water should be our main source of healthy liquid each and every day. In my humble opinion after many years of research, Jackson Springs water is the best product available for regular daily consumption to achieve the best results.

Allan Bailey

My family and I wish you continued success.

Best regards,

E. Allan Bailey B.Sc. Phm./Master Herbalist

May 2012